Monthly Archives: October 2020

Google is adding cross-application account security alerts to iOS

Google is announcing some security-related updates today, including new cross-application alerts that will let you know when your Google Account has a security issue. The idea is that when Google detects a potentially serious security issue with your account, you’ll be notified of which application you’re using at the time. …

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Cat friendly? How to make rap-paws with your cat

Credit: CC0 Public Domain A team of psychologists from Sussex and Portsmouth universities have clarified the art of making bonds with cats. A new study published in the journal Nature, “The Role of Compressed Cat’s Eye Movements in Cat-Human Communication” Scientific reports, Has shown for the first time that it …

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The Dallas Cowboys can get the help they need for defense

FRISCO, Texas – With struggling defense, the Dallas Cowboys could begin to get some help on the ball over the next few weeks with the return of defensive end Randy Gregory, linebacker Leighton Wonder Esch and cornbrook Anthony Brown. Gregory is on the commissioner’s release list as he works back …

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