Monthly Archives: October 2020

India’s Nirbhaya cruise missile test fails

New Delhi: Flight tests of India’s homemade 1000 km-range cruise missile failed on Monday due to technical problems. The Nirbhaya – an intermediate-range subsonic land-attack cruise missile with terrestrial hugging – is the Indian version of the American Tomahawk and Russian club SS-N-27 cruise missiles. Defense scientists in India said …

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Protesters at the Portland Topley Statue of Lincoln and Roosevelt

Seattle – Portland, Rey protesters entered the city on Sunday night, overthrowing statues of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt and damaging the entrance to the Reg Reagan Historical Society in a demonstration against colonization and treatment of Native Americans. Protests across the country this year have mainly targeted statues depicting …

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Coronavirus: WHO calls herd immunity ‘immoral’

Image copyright pyrite Reuters Image Citation Dr. Gabrieus said allowing the virus to spread causes “unnecessary” suffering The head of the World Health Organization has rejected the mob’s immune response to the epidemic. When a large part of the community develops immunity through vaccination or large-scale spread of the disease, …

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Mystery of SpaceX October October launch identified as US spy satellite

One week after the mission’s signals first appeared, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) has confirmed that SpaceX’s secret October launch will feature a new spy satellite. Known as NROL-108, the mission is interesting for a number of reasons, including its implicit launch, the rocket’s probability of its launch, and the …

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