Monthly Archives: October 2020

Ticket ok: Pakistan lifted the ban after 10 days

The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority said in a statement on Monday that it was reversing a decision announced 10 days ago to ban ticket ok after a Chinese-owned application committed to moderate content in accordance with local law. The regulator said on social media that it has been assured by the …

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Are Michigan Democrats in trouble in their Senate race?

One candidate slapped on a helmet, black leather jacket and drove his Harley Davidson to Michigan. President Trump’s policy, at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, highlights his support for banning Chinese travelers from entering the United States and his harshness on China and his advertisements. Another candidate calls himself …

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New theory on the origin of dark matter

When parts of the work were completed by hand, made possible by a series of favorable estimates, the results for the study were validated by sophisticated computational calculations. Credit: Michael Baker A recent study from the University of Melbourne has proposed a new theory for the origin of dark matter, …

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