Monthly Archives: August 2020

Transcript: Karen Pence’s RNC Speech

Good evening! I’m Karen Pence. My husband is Vice President Mike Pence. 100 years ago, today, the 19th Amendment was adopted in the US Constitution, guaranteeing women the right to vote. Because of heroes like Susan B. Anthony and Lucy Stone, women today, like our daughters, Audrey and Charlotte, and …

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Medicine cocktail recommended by Trump for treatment of coronavirus increases the chance of death by 27%, study shows

A combination of drugs hailed by U.S. President Donald Trump as an “extremely successful” Covid-19 treatment increases the chance of death among patients by 27 percent, a study has found. Hydoxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug also being promoted by Brazilian President Jair Bolsanaro, does not affect coronavirus mortality rates, French scientists …

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September to give great looks to Arizona sky watchers

(Photo by Ethan Miller / Getty Images) With September just around the corner, head for some interesting views in our Arizona skyline! Every year I look forward to cooler weather, the end of the monsoon and a return to some of the best weather in the entire nation as the …

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