2020 Chicago Marathon canceled due to coronavirus

  • The Chicago Marathon, scheduled for October 11, officially canceled this year’s event due to COVID-19.
  • The event generally draws 45,000 runners to the streets of Windy City.
  • Runners registered for the 2020 race may get a refund or they may defer their place and entry fee for the Chicago Marathon in 2021, 2022 or 2023. Organizers are also working on a virtual version of the race.

    The Chicago Marathon, to be held on October 11, became the last race to cancel in response to COVID-19 today. Organizers announced that the in-person race will not happen, and registered runners for 2020 will either be reimbursed for their entry to the race or may defer their place and entry fee to the Chicago Marathon in 2021, 2022 or 2023.

    Chicago was the last of the American races in the six-city World Marathon Majors series to make its plans public. The Boston Marathon was initially postponed from April to September, before organizers announced on May 28 that it was canceled for a virtual race. The New York City Marathon announced on June 24 that it would not celebrate its 50th anniversary race on November 1.

    Of the other majors series races, only the London Marathon, which was postponed from April 4 to October 4, still has a chance of happening. The Tokyo marathon soared in February with an elite-only camp, and the Berlin marathon, originally scheduled for September, was canceled on June 24.

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    The Chicago Marathon started in 1977 with 2,128 finalists, and the fast, flat course has made it the site of multiple national and world records. Last year, Brigid Kosgei from Kenya ran 2:14:04 to break the world record for Paula Radcliffe, who had been on her feet since 2003. The race generally attracts 45,000 runners, making it the second largest marathon in the world. behind New York.

    Chicago had previously announced a deferral policy, which would allow runners to cancel their tickets for 2020 and obtain a guaranteed entry for 2021.

    Jordan Hasay, who finished second in Chicago in 2017 at 2:20:57, the second fastest time for an American woman in history, said: “I am sorry for all the athletes and the great world marathons who have had to cancel, but I feel it is a safe decision and it will be a much sweeter celebration for everyone when the races can be held again. ”

    According to a statement, the race organizers are currently working on a virtual version of the event.

    “My hope was to see everyone at the starting line on Sunday, October 11, but our top priority has always been the safety of our participants and our volunteers,” said Carey Pinkowski, executive director of the race. “We understand disappointment, but when we return to the streets of Chicago, it will be a moment of celebration and an uncompromising statement about the collective spirit of who we are as a functioning community: we are powerful, we are persistent, and we will get there again.” .

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