10 Raw Moments From Katy Perry’s ‘Smile’ Interview with Zane Lowe

Katy Perry, 35 weeks pregnant, sat across the screen from Apple Music’s Zane Lowe for an in-depth interview today (August 20) about how she feels Laugh, the title of their upcoming album, is not a one-and-done process.

While KatyCats is expecting the album’s release on August 28 after being delayed due to production delays, she is expecting the arrival of her baby daughter with fiancée Orlando Bloom. But after being a baby star before becoming a mother, Perry stays back from her world that seems to be filled with rainbows and butterflies rather than adorned with “idealism, candy-centric” themes to open up the depression that she has denied.

Read the top 10 highlights from Perry’s interview with Lowe, and check out the interview below.

Perry on her 2020 vision

I did not say, ‘Oh, 2020 is the worst year’, because we’re been there six, seven months, and also, I’m having a baby on the way. That’s not a good spelling to cast … Let’s do this. bookmark, hopefully in 20 years, when I look back, I can say, ‘Wow 2020! It was challenging, but out of this challenge came the most beautiful thing in my life, right?’ “

Perry on the “satire” and “manliness” in her Laugh album artwork

“If you look at the album cover Laugh, you see me as a sad clown and then you see the smiling kind of in this Laugh font. I’m not going to, ‘Hey, smile!’ as’ Shove happiness in the throat! ‘or’ You need to stay positive! You need to stay optimistic! “It simply came to our notice then. It’s satire, it’s manic. “

Perry on Laugh be a marketer in her journey for mental health

“I found my smile, but I’m not stupid enough to think it will stay this way forever if I do not continue the work. Laugh is for me a real representation, the record is a representation I got through and overcame to the other side. I’m not saying I will always be on this other side. I could, you know, fall backwards. The mind can annoy you, right? But at least I got this touchstone now from a body work that says, ‘No, you did it once. You can do it again. It’s possible. ‘”

Perry on her depression

“The older you get, the more real life becomes and the harder it becomes to cope with the pain you helped create. No longer is that pain helping you make songs. It places you thoughts just at that point, especially in your thirties, like just life, things start to hurt.Your body starts not functioning.Your metabolism goes to the south.All things start to change in your thirties, but there is also so much clarity that it also comes in. I was pretty high on my own supply for a long time, and then it just did not work behind Witness. And like I said, it just changed by a few degrees from outside to inside, but it was seismic to me. And I realized, ‘Oh my God. I have given so much power to validation and acceptance and love, and now it does not come back to me. ‘I used to be able to repair my depression like my bouts of depression by just going,’ I’ll write a freaking song, ‘or’ I’ll do this. So blah, blah, blah. I’m going to whatever. I’ll leave you in the dust. You break up with me, I’ll show you. Here is a no. 1. ‘

It no longer worked. That it did not work and everything changed. I’m broken up with my friend. My expectations were not met and the world did not want to hear from me anymore at that moment. They were like, ‘That’s enough. Thank you so much. You have given us something, and we are good. ‘And I just could not get out of bed for weeks and became clinically depressed and had to go on medication for the first time in my life, and I’m ashamed of it. I was like, ‘I’m Katy Perry. I wrote “Fireworks.” I’m on medication. This has been refurbished. ‘”

Perry on her 2013 album Prism

“I think Prism is that when I really started to wake up a little bit, you know? I was just a bit of a fantasy, idealism, candy-centric, creating a character that was just pure fun and pop and entertainment. Mar Prism was absolutely like, ‘Ooh, there’s something else here.’ That’s when the real investigation began. “

Perry on working mothers who are still pursuing their passions

“I never want to choose between being a mom and doing what I love. That’s so archaic. I think the first reason women get the responsibility of creating another life is because they can f– -ing do it all in one go bi —. So it’s not about choosing! It’s about balance …. And that, in turn, is the reason I wrote ‘What Makes a Woman,’ bi — ! “

Perry on the final track of the album and feminist folk song ‘What Makes a Woman’

“This song was made just as an appreciation for women, and it was a song I wrote before I actually got pregnant. And now it’s taking on a deeper meaning. I’m like, ‘Woah. Women can have a life and live and deal with all this stuff and the birth of a watermelon by a little thing. Great. This is wild. ‘… Your body is amazing. When you try and define a woman, it is really difficult because they are such chameleons. They are so transformative. I’m really talking about myself, that is, and I’ve said this several times, I’m not one thing. And I do not like to put myself sonic in a box as even when I experiment with music. But I have wild ideas of how to go to Oxford one day …. But I still have these out-of-the-box dreams or ideas or dimensions that I want to touch on in my life. And I feel that women are so chameleon-like in this way that they are not just one thing. They are so beautiful and so elastic. “

Perry on female artists who are against each other in the sector

“Some of it comes from the audience. They like to hold us against each other …. We never see Niall Horan and Shawn Mendes fight. Like we never see it …. But we do not see it, you do not I want not to hear about it. You do not read about Ed Sheeran, you know … and Justin Bieber fight.Yes, you never hear that … But take one female artist, and you hear about it every day. Do you want to Twitter? read comments? Someone wants to take my account and read my Twitter comments? No, you do not! You do not, because it is, ‘Who is better than who? Who is leaner than who? Who has sold more No. 1s then who? Who is doing better this year than who? Who made this much more than who? ‘

It’s like, ‘Okay. Well, how about just having fun with the music? ‘… I’m competitive, but I’m not competitive with women. No, no, no. I’m competitive in that I want to succeed. I love my art, and I hope it achieves that. That’s how I’m competitive, but I really want every woman in the sector to feel support and love and feel that they can speak their truth and deliver their message, no matter how many of our women are in the sector. I mean, time and time again, I want to hire more women than men. I want to give her … I want to support her because I know what it feels like to just be in a room of all my female peers and go, ‘Do you like me? I would like to like you. I want to talk to you. I know we’re going through the same exact thing. We are literally doing the exact same thing. Can’t we talk about this? There are only five other people in the world going through this, and you’re in the same room. Can we please have some f — inge wine and talk about how hard this is? ‘”

Perry about her friendship with Sia

“Talk about camaraderie among peers. From 2017 to 2019, I would just faceTime her and cry and she would get it. She took me to meetings. She helped me on my way. We both did the Hoffman process. She’s on travel too, and you can tell, you can hear that evolution in her music. You can really do it, and we have a lot of love and respect for each other. But she has actually helped a lot of people in the sector. She’s one of my faves. “

Perry talks about her relationship with Bloom and sings about “Champagne Problems”

“For us, and you can even hear that in ‘Champagne Problems’, which is a song on the record, you can hear that we do not flutter how in love we are. We have been through hell. We have been to the mat and have come back so far, and that’s even what the song ‘Witness’ was about.If I lost it today, would you stay? Could you go down to the mat with me and come back up? .Your higher self always knows.Your higher self always knows what you are unconsciously saying.Now it’s a relationship, but it’s work.Dating is different from real relationships.You have to make a choice every day to be in this relationship and hard to work on yourself with someone who reflects on you so intensely. Not like I’m not resting. He’s not the biggest fan of Katy Perry. He’s here for Katheryn Hudson. He’s here for – build! “